Archive for the ‘Mobile Software Medical’ Category

Mobile Medical Software For iPad

The mobile software medical for the iPad only makes since.  There are already many applications for those who are in the medical field for the iPhone and the iPod Touch.  Since these mobile software medical applications are already available to doctors, nurses or anybody that works in the medical field through the iTunes store.  The iPad offers a lot larger display and this can be very useful for many of the medical applications available.

Mobile Software Medical Apps From iTunes

The mobile medical software available from the Apple iTunes Store is some of the most advanced and useful on the market.  The developers that make medical software here have an instant and huge market.  They know that when they produce a new piece of mobile medical software that their software will instantly be made available to millions of users who have a compatible device.  As Apple continues to release more devices that their “apps” work with, the focus of many developers will shift from other platforms to Apple.

Good News For iPhone Mobile Apps and iPhone Owners

This is good news for any medical professional who already owns any of the Apple products that can run these apps. The price of each application may vary quite a bit, but almost all of them will offer more value than price. Using simple medical software can really make the workday flow so much smoother and you will be able to provide a faster, higher level of service to all of your patients and clients. So if you have an iPhone and are looking for ways to make your hospital, office or private practice run smoother, then maybe it is time to start looking at mobile medical software for you and your co-workers.

Skyscape’s 5-Minute Clinical Consult Mobile App

Mobiles Software Medical has been looking at many similar mobile software titles,  but this one seems to take the cake in its category. The 1 selling handheld version of 5MCC since 1994! Whether you need to confirm critical diagnostic criteria before initiating treatment, or are trying to choose the best medical or surgical approach for a exact patient…Skyscape’s 5-Minute Clinical Consult ensures that the information you get is current, accurate, and accessible! This latest update is based through the 2010  print edition with additional features and enhanced functionality.

Skyscape’s 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2010 edition gives you evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis as well as management of 715 conditions looked at in everyday practice.

This the most popular resource is now even more valuable with the latest enhancements that you’d expect only from Skyscape. Now you can turn out to be sure that every time you ‘sync’ your device, whether with your desktop or wirelessly, you will offer the up-to-the-minute resource along with the free services such as MedAlert that will bring you the latest trial results, journal summaries and breaking clinical and drug alerts – in-context!

Look at all this updated version delivers!

– Comprehensive clinical resource with most up-to-date information about the diagnosis, treatment, medications, follow-up, and associated conditions of most regular medical conditions.

– 11 fresh subjects and 10 new treatment algorithms include: Adoption, International; Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome; Dental Infection; Dental Trauma; Depression, Adolescent; Domestic Violence; Epididymitis, Chemical (Sterile Epididymitis); Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Incontinence, Rectal; Injury as well as Violence; Klinefelter Syndrome; Leukemia, Chronic Lymphocytic as well as more.

– New Treatment Algorithms include: Low Back Pain Acute; Asthma Exacerbation Acute; Chest Pain Acute Syndrome; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); Congestive Heart Failure Treatment; Depressive Episode Main as well as more.

-Every single one subjects are evidence-based and include cited evidence-based references.

– Expanded drug therapy sections in each topic and more alternative medicine information.

– Revised, updated, evidence-based algorithms linked to relevant subjects.

– ICD-9-CM code index offers quick access to disease classification and coding data.

– U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines on screening, counseling, immunizations, as well as chemoprophylaxis

This medical software mobile is available on Android, Palm and Windows phones.